Me and My Sisters

Me and My Sisters

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My very Firsts...

I had my first lollipop when I was ~18 months. That was right after my MMR vaccination on 22 Nov. Jie Jie was given one by our PD, and so was I. Mommy couldn't stop Daddy in time, so that's how I got to eat my first lollipop :) And would you believe it - my tongue was all greenish when I nearly finished the whole lollipop by myself! Only left a tiny piece before Daddy asked Mommy to throw it away.

If Jie Jie's first sentence is Wo Ai Mama at ~17 months, mine is Papa bu chai jia at ~18 months. Mommy caught me saying this particular phrase, which is part of a Mandarin song (Ke Ren Lai).

I was considered potty trained at ~18 months. I can now tell when I want to wee wee or poo poo. In fact I don't need to use diapers during day time but I still need it at night. Still... we've been out quite frequent for the past few weekends, and since it's more convenient to use a diaper, so now I'm back to using diapers. But when I wee wee or poo poo, I'll inform Mommy. Mommy will say, we're not back yet, go ahead and I'll change you later. Yeah, lazy Mommy. So now, at times I don't even tell her. I guess Mommy's learnt her lesson, now she'll have to be more disciplined if she really wants me to graduate from diapers soon. I guess I'm more ready than Mommy, don't you think so?

Daddy gave me a hair cut for the first time sometime last month! He cut my back, and mommy trimmed my front. Am I considered lucky coz they had never cut Jie Jie's hair, since Amah took care of that all the time. But for me, it was just my 2nd hair cut after the full moon shave, thanks to my hairless state.

I could now play by myself at the playground. I could went up the steps and slide down by myself without Mommy holding me. Yay, I'm a big girl now.

I could also eat on my own now. In fact, I didn't want Mommy to feed me. I insisted to hold the spoon on my own, and feed myself. And I could do it quite neat too. Poh Poh was very impressed, coz I hardly made much mess compared to Jie Jie last time.


Pet said...

so many first! Glad you blog on it... :-)

ablogaway said...

Yea, I realised I had to keep a record somewhere, before I forget!

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