It has been a busy month for me so that explains the lack of posts this month. Hence, before the month ends, I am going to lump everything into just 1 post here. And, being the 9th month of the year, I happened to have 9 little updates here, most of which were things related to my girls' new milestones.
This month has seen...
1. Sze Yi singing Michael Jackson's song, Heal the World like a pro. Oh yeah, we've switched her to another music school last month, starting her on the Little Mozarts' program. Both the girls loved music so much that when they heard music, they'd start dancing or moving their bodies to the tune (I had to bring Sze Juin along too at times because there's no one to take care of her).
2. Sze Juin's growing vocabulary (no more, close, open, bird bird, sorry, thank you, please, buyau (don't want in Mandarin), mei you (don't have), hello, bye bye, Gong Gong, mei mei (pretty), wow wow (for dog), cat, throw, kakak, aunty, uncle, wee wee, ng ng, lai (come), sit down, apple, etc.) She seemed to be able to pick up words faster than Sze Yi at this age last time, and it's rather easy for her to repeat after us when we asked her to say a new word.
3. My 2 girls helping out with the laundry. Sze Yi could now hang the clothes out to dry, and also to collect them back after they're dry, while Sze Juin did most of the passing of clothes (dry and wet) over to me or her sister. Sze Yi could also fold all the clean clothes and put them back into the respective drawers correctly (meaning according to the owner, like hers, her sister, mine and daddy's). Well, if I can close 1 eye, of course it's considered job done! You see, she still couldn't fold them very neatly yet, and she would just pile all the folded clothes into the closet/drawer without segregating them (pants, blouses, towels, undies, etc.).
4. The girls went to the fun fair at least twice already (Sze Yi's more, of course). The first time, all of us ride together with them. However during the 2nd visit, Sze Yi insisted that she could ride on her own so we just stood outside and let her ride alone. When she waved to me as the train left us, with the proud look on her face, I couldn't help imagining that this would happen a few years down the road later, when she's leaving for further studies, and I knew deep down that I would cry then, the feeling of her leaving me was still unbearable although I knew that I couldn't avoid it.
5. Sze Juin can do somersault now! And she's also a quick imitater, she quietly observed what her Jie Jie was doing, and not long later, I'll noticed that she would try to imitate what she saw earlier! Another incident was that she actually caught a cockroach the other day - she's seen me catching cockroaches and then she told me "kat chat" (meaning cockroach in Cantonese). I looked at her hand and saw one there :)
6. Sze Juin's learning to pick up the shape sorter currently. She could put all the blocks into their respective place already, but at times she would need me to tell her where to place them. She could then nicely place them all into the hole on her own!

7. Sze Juin's learning to use the potty now. Sometimes there's output when she asked us to let her sit on the potty, but most of the times, she just wanted to play. At times, she would signal us that it's coming, but it's too late. She could now tell us that she's uncomfortable and wanted her diapers changed if she poo poo in it.
8. Sze Yi's getting easier to handle nowadays. She's more understanding and we could use reasoning with her. Not as naughty as she used to be. When she's naughty last time, she could easily drive hubby and I crazy. I learnt that it's really important to spend lots of personal time with our kids, instead of leaving them to the care of others. If we couldn't handle our kids, who else could? And despite my busy schedule, I decided to give more time and patience for my 2 girls even though I was really tired. The results were amazing, and I honestly think that her attitude has improved a lot! Just yesterday, she came back telling us that it's her teacher's birthday, so she got 2 chocolates - 1 for Mommy and 1 for Daddy. She didn't even take one herself! Also, now she hardly requests for never-ending stories when she wants to sleep, or when we're in the car (not as frequent as last time).
9. The girls enjoyed playing on their own and also with each other now. So I got to accomplish more of the housework while they were playing instead of having to wait until they slept. However, recently Sze Juin was rather clingy, I'm not sure why. Maybe she's just grown 3 teeths in a shot? She had 11 teeths now. Also Sze Juin didn't want to take milk from the bottle - whether EBM or formula. Ah yes, and that reminded me of her new antics - when she wanted to drink milk, she'd lie down on the bed or sofa, pulled up her blouse and said "nen nen", as if wanting to nurse me!