Me and My Sisters

Me and My Sisters

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Can you guess who is who?

I am a very rigid mom. Since both my elder girls took their first studio shot when they were exactly 8 months old, I decided to do the same with my youngest baby. Yes, even though up to the point of taking a half day's leave to have this accomplished (The first two turned 8 months on a non-working day, but this one didn't). But I'm lucky I have a very accommodating husband :)

So, here are all of them at exactly 8 months old. Can you guess who is who?  
The images are blur because I snapped from their photo frames

Scroll down for tips...

Hint... this is Yao

And here are the Jie Jies... do you see any resemblance? 

Birthday Tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


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