Me and My Sisters

Me and My Sisters

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Chip and Dale

Cute boh? This is the new outfit that my 2nd uncle bought for me from Hatyai. See, got tale one hoh... He also bought a lot of snacks but my mum said those are for adults, I should only drink "nen-nen"... (how unfair, I want to complain!!!)
Soooooooo tired, after the chip-and-dale dance!

Smart Baby?!!

My grandma said those babies who suck their thumbs are smart babies. Well, I don't quite like to suck my thumb, but... how about toe?!! Am I a smarter baby? Hehe...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Break A Recod Today!!

This afternoon I have created a new record in my life, which is... drinking 5 oz of milk at one shot!! Hehe, actually this morning I was so sleepy until skipped my "breakfast", so feel extremely hungry at noon loh...

The prize for breaking a new record is... "nen-nen"!! (See the photo above, hehe!)

My First Blog

Hello, my name is Koay Sze Yi. My mum calls me XiaoYuYu. I just got my email account yesterday. It's Today, my daddy registered a blog for me. You can visit it at OK, that's all for now. More to come...

Birthday Tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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