This is a story about a baby girl growing up happily with her dad, mum, and grandma... until her little sisters join her.
Me and My Sisters
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Before this, I've learnt how to spell J-U-S-C-O and also T-E-S-C-O too! Just that sometimes I forgot and got it wrong. But with my name, never!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Excursion to Penang Hill
Actually last year, Mommy and Daddy had also signed me up for an outing with them to the Butterfly Farm, but then I couldn't make it coz I was sick. Well, it's a good thing too, because I was still small that time and Mommy was rather worried to let me go on my own. But this time round, they never hesitated a moment because they knew that I'm a big girl already. Yes, I am more independent now, and could follow the teachers' instructions.
Yay, so off I went with them. It was a great outing. There were 4 teachers accompanying us (about 17 of us, including the ex-students since it was their school holidays), and we had chartered a school bus. It was also my first experience sitting in a bus. Mommy had been promising to let me ride a bus when she's still expecting Mei Mei, but she still haven't fulfiled her promise yet.
We're told to wear long trousers, white shirt, and bring a water bottle with a string, trainers and a cap. Since I've grown out of my sports shoes, Mommy and Daddy and Amah took me shopping for a new pair. I chose a pink one too, can you see me wearing them?
We're having a picnic at the top of the hill. The teachers packed chicken rice to the top for us, yummy!
And here's our group photo.

I enjoyed the outing very much. I told Mommy that they took us to see lion! No, it's not a real lion though, it's in the temple. But Mommy couldn't recall seeing any temple there. Anyway...I had fun. I also told her about my experience with the cable car ride. Ah, but I came back without my cap. It was misplaced somewhere...
We came back later than scheduled because our bus was late. We only went up around 11am (2 hours later than planned) and when Mommy & Amah came to fetch me from school, I just reached the top. Luckily it was not raining in Penang Hill (it was raining cats & dogs, according to Mommy). So, Jenny (my principal) told Mommy to fetch me after work instead, since I would only be arriving around 3pm. I had my bath and nap in school. Luckily Mommy prepared a change of clothes for me in my bag, together with my milk :)
One feedback from my principal, I was so quiet throughout the whole trip. She had to keep asking me if I was ok. But all in all, I behaved very well and I'm really a big girl already. It sure was a great experience for me!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
10 Months Updates
If you're wondering why I looked as if I'm about to cry - ask Mommy. She tried to snatch my 'toys' away from me so that she could get a good picture of my teeth. Still can't get a good view. Ah, this is better...
- Mommy started me on the Organic Barley Cereal after I finished up the tin of First Flavour cereal. At first my babysitter complained that I didn’t quite like it, but now I’m ok. In fact, I'm just about to finish this pack today. - New food introduced: Juicy Golden Pears (the first processed fruit that I took), papaya, banana, ikan bilis, spinach, cauliflower and Miki Prune Extract (my babysitter sampled some for Mommy to let both Jie Jie & me tried it since we're always sick).
Motor skills:
- I could now go into squatting and kneeling position. I used these two modes now when I want to transition from standing to sitting position.
- I could even stand unsupported for a very short time, it normally happened when I forgot about it and let go of my support.
- Walk with support. Started to show inclination to climb onto things, like the sofa, Mommy's dressing table, etc.
- Shake my head when I don't want something- esp when people trying to carry me.
- Nod my head - When my babysitter updated Mommy on what I’ve been up to for that day, she would ask me, “Right or not”? Then I would nod my head as if I understood what she said.
- I love to pull out my socks and hat. So now when going out, I'm always barefoot because my shoes are still oversized, and I couldn't wear my socks for long. I also love to open my diaper's velcro, so Mommy had to quickly put on my pants for me. It's harder for her to button my blouse now, I would protest and make an attempt to run away.
- I could now manoeuvre my walker excellently (when Mommy first handed the walker over to my babysiter a few weeks ago, I could only walk in reverse).
- I can pick up small parts from the floor now and put them into my mouth.
- I chuckled a lot lately (with sounds too). Actually I’ve been chuckling a few months back, but somehow it’s more frequent this month.
New words:
--> Papa: it happened in the middle of the night. Everyone was sleeping, I can’t sleep and was tossing around. Then I started calling Papa, Papa, then Mama. The next morning, Daddy told Mommy that he dreamt that I called him. Mommy told him I actually did call him!
--> Yi – It’s more pronounced than the last time. I’m calling Jie Jie, if you’re wondering why Yi. --> Eye - Amah taught me this. She would point to her eyes and say Eye. I could repeat after her.
--> Irene - Amah claimed that I could call Irene too, although Mommy doubted it. One day Mommy left me in Amah's care while she & Daddy took Jie Jie shopping. I cried and cried until she came back, and Amah told Mommy I was calling Irene Irene all the time.
- Could understand simple instructions. When Mommy said NO, I would not do it (but sometimes I waited awhile and tried again). When Mommy said "Come, Mommy pau pau (carry)", I would crawl towards Mommy as if I understood what she's trying to say. When Mommy asked me to go find Daddy or Amah, I would crawl towards their directions. When Mommy said "Ah," I would open my mouth for her to clean my gums. And when Mommy finished nursing me at one side, she would say, "let's change side" and I would unlatch and waited for her to switch me to the other side.
- I didn't react to aeroplane. Both Mommy and my babysitter noticed this - when an aeroplane was flying above us, I wouldn't even turn my head to the sound or look at the direction. This really puzzled Mommy. But when she pointed to other things (flower, fan, etc), I would look. Just this morning, she did an experiment with me. She used her finger to slowly move my focus from near to far. I wouldn't want to follow her finger, instead I looked steadily at her eyes. What a stubborn little girl I am! They don't think it's something to do with my hearing, because I was very sensitive when I was nursing - even the slightest sound would make me very alert and I wouldn't want to continue my milk.
- I have a habit to scratch or dig into Mommy's or my babysitter's hands when I was trying to get to sleep. So if my fingernails were long (which needed to be trimmed at least twice a week), they would have scratches all over.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Tale of Tooth Fairies
Coz the Tooth Fairies just came our way,
Yes, to my school last Wednesday,
Tis’ something not to be missed, I’d say!
No, they came not for my paci,
But rather to check on my tootsie,
And since all my teeth are still intact,
There’s no tooth for them to bring back.
Mei Mei wanted to join me,
So I told her, “Well, let’s see”,
I checked her teeth and saw only four,
So I said, “No, wait till you have more!”
So on that day off to school I went,
With a mug and a toothpaste in hand,
Not forgetting my Doaremon toothbrush,
Despite the early morning rush!
Are they really fairies I wonder?
When they came in a van with a driver,
But they do dressed in white minus the wings,
To teach us on tooth 101 and things.
Can you see me in the pics?
Dressed in a color which I pick,
Pink tee with matching blue pants,
In a corner I made my stance.
Brush brush tis the correct way,
As how their magic wands sway,
So I learnt how to brush that day,
And keep my teeth clean all day!
Oh, so how do I fare in the end?
Mommy asked if there’s any to mend?
Hmm... since I didn’t get any letter,
That means my teeth couldn’t be better!
After we’re all cleaned and done,
Back they went to the Klinik Kesihatan,
Oh I couldn’t believe my eyes,
Coz they’re actually nurses in disguise!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Yummy Yummy
Mommy had been very careless lately. There had been 3 incidents where I got to eat new 'food' while I was under her care.
1st Incident:
I was home alone with Mommy. She wanted to blog, so she gave me a hard cover book (Jie Jie's favourite Brown Bear, Brown Bear book, which was actually my full moon gift from Uncle KY & Aunty HP) to play with. Not long later, she discovered that I've been munching on the back cover of the book! She didn't realized it at the beginning because she didn't see anything missing from the front. It took awhile for her to dig out those white bits of paper from my mouth.
2nd Incident:
Again, I was home alone with Mommy. She wanted to hang the wet clothes outside. So she put me in my stroller and gave me Ernie. Since it's not furry, she thought it's ok. Not long later, she saw me munching away on something! She quickly dig my mouth and found Ernie's hair!
3rd Incident:
This was the worst of all. Again, I was home alone with Mommy. She was fixing the dustbin, so she let me play on the floor. I went to play with the toys on the floor. After sometime, I got bored and saw something more interesting. I quickly went there, grabbed it and put in my mouth. Mommy didn't have time to react. Yes, I've eaten the newspaper. Since she was fixing the dustbin, she quickly went to wash her hand first before digging into my mouth. But by then, I've chewed it all and she can't find anything! And you guessed what? She saw something like a piece of paper in my poop that night itself!
Gosh, Mommy. You have to be more careful next time. I don't need these added nutritions. When Mommy related these incidents to Jie Jie when she came back, her first reaction was, "Aiyo!"
Fan of Doraemon
Daddy took me to see them, not the real one, but it was so big!
And I finally got a chance to meet them at Queensbay Mall 5 days before Christmas. I danced together with them! Ah, but only at the back with Mommy & Daddy, of course. I dared not go to the stage.
Monday, March 09, 2009
How I Finally Gave Up My Pacifier
As time went by, I slowly learnt to let go of my pacifier. But I sucked my finger a lot, until the skin peeled off. So Mommy introduced me to the Tooth Fairy. I was told that the Tooth Fairy didn't like children who sucked their finger or the pacifier. She would cut off the finger when they were sleeping. I was afraid, but relieved to find my fingers still intact the next morning. Mommy taught me to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy, telling her what I wanted in return if I gave her my pacifier. It was fun, but still I was not willing to let go.
Then, Mommy told me that she would wait until my 3rd birthday. I got to invite the Tooth Fairy to my birthday party, and gave her my pacifier on that day. In return, the fairy would give me a big bear bear. As the days came nearer, I told Mommy not to invite the tooth fairy. I was not ready.
So, when I was finally 3, I still can't live without my pacifier. But there were some changes in me. I was bold enough to throw it away, right into the dustbin and said - "I never eat my chut chut again!" However, that very night, I cried because I couldn't sleep. So I was given the back-up pacifier.
Time went by.... and then I coughed! It was so terrible until I vomitted when I slept. Amah told me the pacifier was smelly - it caused me to cough. So I agreed to give it up. I threw it into the dustbin myself. Ever since then, I never mentioned about it anymore. I am a big girl now. I didn't cry. But, I couldn't sleep. I skipped my afternoon nap. I didn't have enough rest, so I coughed even more. Then one day, Mommy asked me - why couldn't I sleep. Was it because I missed my pacifier? That triggered it and I burst out! I started to cry and screamed - I wanted my chut chut! I missed my chut chut! It took awhile for Amah to calm me down. She told me that it's me who threw it away, so I have to bear with it.
Well, it's been over 3 weeks now, and I can finally say bye bye to my pacifier. Mommy and Daddy and Amah were all very proud of me. I guessed it's been a long way from the first attempt. Yes, I did it!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
All Clear!
But hey, Dr. Rema (that's how I called him) said I'm all cleared, and only gave me the strawberry multi vitamin to take back. No other medications! Ah, but I was given a lot more on the day I was discharged, and I still had to eat them. I had 1 more dosage of the antibiotics (Zithromax) to complete, together with Rhinathiol for my cough, Zyrtec for my flu and another vitamin, Enervon-C.
Btw, did Mommy tell you that my blood test showed that I had the mycoplasma bacteria? The paed told me that I probably caught it from a closed-up environment, that's either from my family members or my school. Scary, huh?
Anyway, I'm ok now. My next review with Dr. Rema would be in 1 month's time. Hopefully after that, Mommy would let me drink some cold drinks....