Christmas Sampler by Shabby Princess

With Mommy and Chiu Chiu...
The next day, they took me to have some rides when Gong Gong and Poh Poh went to get me my Christmas presents.
And here's my Christmas present from Gong Gong & Poh Poh :)
Yes, a Minnie bolster! I've also got a recoder (another musical instrument) but there's no picture to share. Other than that, I'd been busy with so many activities at Gong Gong & Poh Poh's house.
The pictures didn't turn out so well, Mommy's h/p fault again :) Ya, running on the treadmill, playing with the piano, watching fish with Gong Gong, etc...
Ta Yi Ma (big Auntie) came back in the afternoon. So, only Xiao Yi (small Auntie) didn't come back because she's still in Russia studying. We went to the Christmas Eve Mass, partly because I would only sleep at ~2am and also Poh Poh was supposed to sing in the choir that night. This time, I was not behaving very nicely. You see, we were there early because Poh Poh had to practise with her choir group first. So, when they started singing, I would insist that Mommy stood up as well (the rest of the parishioners were sitting down). We were in the Cry Room, but we could see the choir from there. I wouldn't let Mommy sit down until they finished their song. After that, during Mass, when I saw a toddler had his 'nen nen', I asked Mommy to make for me as well. But I insisted to pour the milk powder in on my own, which ended up spilled on the bench and Mommy had to clean it. After that, when I saw two brothers fighting (one slapping the other on the face), I did that to Mommy too! And this time, I kept walking around, distracting Mommy's concentration. I also wanted Mommy to take me out, but she managed to distract me with other things, one of which was her crystal bracelet that I kept wanting to play with.
After Mass, I was excited to see all the lightings and decorations outside. It was really pretty, and I wanted to take photo with the Christmas tree. We took a few family photos (too bad it was in Gong Gong's camera and we didn't have the softcopy here). Initially everyone was smiling, except me. Mommy showed me the photo, telling me that I was the only one with a sour face. So from then on, I'd been smiling away. Here are some of the photos, but most are blurry because they were taken with Mommy's handphone (our camera was still under repair).
The next day, which was Christmas day itself, Daddy arrived. I was so excited to see Daddy. So Mommy was relieved for the day, as I clinged to Daddy from then on. We had lunch in Ming Chung restaurant. We forgot to take photos of the dishes until we're nearly done :PWe went back to Penang that evening since Daddy and Mommy had to work the next day.