Yay, we're going to have a party again! And, it's my birthday party, my 1st birthday. Everyone was in a very excited mood. We've been really busy the days before, Mommy and Daddy ticking off the shopping list one by one and crossing off the checklist on what to prepare, etc. Amah had prepared the spaghetti sauce 2 days in advance and froze it in case we won't have enough time to prepare everything on the day itself.
Jie Jie was also very excited and looking forward to it. We'd gone to choose my birthday cake 1 week before (she was given the priviledge to chose the design - and she's chosen Minnie Mouse since I was a mousey). Then, Daddy and Mommy took me to buy my shoes.
...while waiting for the salesman to get my size to try on...
The day before saw us developing the photos (they had never developed my photos since I was born!), cleaning up the house, and also buying my birthday present. Mommy even attempted to bake an eggless cake for me - since I was not exactly 1 yet (we had an early birthday party). Her reasoning - Jie Jie ate her birthday cake (with egg) and she was allergic to eggs till she's nearly 3.
Well, trying to bake one with me around wasn't easy at all. There had been just too many breaks until she was afraid it won't turn out well. It would have been dried out by the time she even get to put them into the oven. Despite her trying to coax me to sleep, with Daddy and Amah taking Jie Jie out to settle the other things, I only slept for about 1/2 hour. That timeframe was just enough for her to mix all the ingredients together (only the dry one, not the wet one yet). But finally, after several breaks, she managed to complete the eggless carrot muffins with bananas - at around 5am! Well, actually she baked for 2 rounds, the 1st with Amah's help, and the 2nd she actually started at 3am in the morning. Here's the end result - regular sized muffins as well as mini version (recipe from here with a little modifications).

Did it taste good, you might be curious. Well, yes! The first batch was rather sweet, which suited those who like it sweet. So, she put less sugar during the 2nd batch, and it didn't turn out that sweet. She didn't really like it, but fortunately, Poh Poh who didn't like sweet things thought that it was just nice, so luckily it didn't go to waste. As for me? Well, I didn't have much preference though, whatever they gave me, I'll just take.
Daddy and Mommy hardly slept the night before - Daddy was busy setting up the television (do you know that we're without television for nearly 4 months? Yes, Jie Jie's fault. She wanted to watch for the whole day, so Daddy got angry and decided to put the tele to hibernation). Yes, after that, Daddy took the whole night to rearrange the photos that they had just developed - could you imagine? That was like walking down memory lane back to the days when Jie Jie was just ~1.5 year old. So what did Mommy do? Baking, of course! And Amah just went to sleep at 3am, after she'd prepared some of the foods - jelly, fruits, etc. So you can see how busy everyone was - just for my big day! Jie Jie and I only slept about 12am that night, we're too excited ourselves.
On Party Day, I got up especially early. Mommy had gone to the 7am Mass, only to come back to a crying me. Yes, I wanted Mommy. Amah quickly started to cook the curry chicken (Mommy went to the market after Mass to get the ingredients and the chicken). Jie Jie was not up yet (luckily, so I got lots of bonding time with Mommy). Daddy went out to get the cake. Later, when Jie Jie was up, Mommy got us ready, bathed us, changed us, fed us and started blowing the balloons.

We didn't had much balloons though, since Daddy didn't really like them - he said it's dangerous, especially when it popped! But Mommy insisted to put them up coz it's party time, and we girls loved balloons. So we just settled for this...

and some inside the house too, of course. But they didn't take the pics.
Here's the birthday girl - finally changed into her new suit and shoes. Waiting for the guests (just some close relatives) to arrive, after having taken the porridge.

Here's the food that Amah managed to prepared - she's such a super woman!
Food for the kids
And here's the food for the adults.

All were home-cooked, except for the vietnamese poppiah and cream puffs which Mommy ordered from Alexendrea's Gong Gong (the poppiah's at the top of the picture below, while the cream puffs were at the bottom). They tasted really yummy - everyone said so.

Oooh... we also ordered pizzas - just to ensure everyone went back with a full stomach.

Oh, by the way, Alexendrea's Mommy has been really nice to bake some eggless chocolate cake for me. She's so considerate, wasn't she? There were also some teething biscuits, which I also shared with Cousin Samantha.

Finally, the guests arrived. Poh Poh and Gong Gong arrived first, they took a bus from Ipoh and would be staying for a few days with us. Then the rest slowly flocked in...

Jie Jie obviously had a great time too - see she was playing with Cousin Sarah (which later ended in a fight, haha!).

Would you believe me if I tell you that I dozed off halfway? Yes! I was so tired that I finally slept - in the middle of the party! And I've never done such a thing before - not in a middle of so much excitement. I guessed I was too tired - Jie Jie and I hardly had a nap yesterday, and we slept rather late last night but woke up real early this morning. Couldn't blame me, could they? Well, I was already in dreamland when Cousin Samantha started to get restless and wanted to go home. So Amah asked Mommy to wake me up for the birthday cake cutting.
I wouldn't want to - despite several attempts. Finally Daddy took pity on me and suggested to wait. But just then, I woke up. We opened the birthday cake - Jie Jie and Sarah were the most excited of all trying to see what's inside.

It's a big No 1 with some mousies and balloons and presents
(wondering where's the Minnie? Yes, there're 2 of them, look again!)
Everyone warned Jie Jie and Sarah not to blow the candle this time, but let me do it myself. Daddy then played the birthday song from the DVD player, and everyone sang together - led by Jie Jie and Cousin Sarah.
When it came to candle blowing - Jie Jie and Sarah behaved really well. They waited for me to blow.

But, of course I didn't know how to. So Mommy asked Jie Jie to help. She tried, but then she suddenly felt shy, and they then asked Sarah to do it. After that, Jie Jie and Sarah helped me with the cake cutting too.

Our family photo
Later, after everyone had gone back and I've taken my bath (yes, that's why I got those white white thing on my face and hands - those were the bedak sejuk which Mommy applied to my skin, which really helped to keep those rashes at bay), Amah said that it's better to let me try to eat the red egg (which was prepared by Kim Poh). It was believed that by eating that on my birthday, I would not have allergy later and I would be a better person when it comes to accomplish things (there'll be a head and tail to it - according to Sarah's Amah). Which means, I had to eat the head first, followed by the tail of the egg, haha. Mommy just said ok, and Amah quickly fed me. Just another tradition.
Hmm...in the end, Mommy also fed me a little tiny weeny bit of my birthday cake (which was chocolate flavoured) despite her saying that she didn't want me to eat egg (that's why she went all out to bake me that eggless muffin). I guessed, she felt that it's ok after all, since my actual birthday is just the very next day.