Me and My Sisters

Me and My Sisters

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Potty in the making?

Hey, I finally want to sit on a potty! Isn't that great? Mommy has been worried because most of my peers have graduated from diapers to pants, while I was still reluctant to sit on my potty. So, when she came back from work these few days, she won't let me wear any diapers, but just pants instead. I have a few accidents initially, of course. And when that happened, I would run towards Mommy feeling horrified of the mess that I just made, without being aware that I was creating more mess for her. This went on for a couple of days. She would check on me every half hour and asked me if I wanted to sit on the potty. Everytime my answer was no, but not too long later, the floor would be flooded.

Then one day, Mommy announced that she wanted to go "pot pot" and asked me if I wanted to come along. So I followed her into the bathroom and she let me sit on my potty while she sat on the toilet seat. After sometime, I was ssshhhhing away like an expert! That's how the story started.

So, Amah continued to train me during the day time, because I wouldn't let her put on the diapers on me. So I would be pantless then, and when I want to ssh ssh, I would go and sit down on the potty. Easy, isn't it? One day, Amah was bathing. I felt like pang sai so I went to the potty and ng ng all the way. After I was done, I took my little pot of gold and went to the bathroom to show Amah. She was so happy that she called Mommy immediately to announce about my big achievement for the day. Mommy was in the office that time, and she was getting worried because Amah wouldn't call unless something bad happen to me. Well, I think the news have made her day, and when I spoke to her, she praised me. I only know how to say "Mama, yeah!". Whenever I did something great, I would said yeah and then clap my hand.

So, when both Mommy and Daddy returned from work that day, I demonstrated to them again how clever I was. Did you noticed that my bear bear has a little potty too? I tried to exhange with her a few times... hehe, but it was too small for me ;P
I still haven't graduated to pants yet, but I'm on my way there. Maybe that's because Mommy is not a big risk taker, so she haven't gone full force in not letting me wear diaper at all for the whole day.


KK and WS said...

I am sure Sze Yi can officially 'graduate' SOON...

Peter & Joyce said...

Good progress! Almost there....

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