We were all very excited today. Well, at least all the mommies were. Today's playgroup was supposed to be very fun. It's going to be a splashing pool party! Or so we thought.... coz Auntie Hooi Ling had suggested to put out her indoor pool with water and let us splashed in it. But then, it started to pour even before we arrived. So, we ended up having a dry party instead.
Anyway, we all had fun. When I arrived, Evan was already there. This was his first time there. He's slightly younger than me, he's about 17 months plus. I played with his new toys for awhile, before the indoor pool attracted my attention again. I straightaway dived into it, and had a great time diving in and out. During that time, the rest of them arrived with their Mommies - Hin Lerk, Ching Ern and Bryan. This was the first time I met Bryan, he was ~1 month older than me.
When everyone had warmed up and started playing, I found my favourite spot - the stairs! And I took Charlotte's little dancing Pooh with me. It's not easy getting this pooh all to myself, as it had attracted a lot of attentions from my other playmates. I had a little tiff with Evan and Ching Ern over it, and sorry to say that I was a little too demanding and insisted to have the Winnie the Pooh first. The other Mommies tried to advise me to share with the rest, but I just wouldn't listen. Now you know how stubborn I was. And unfortunately, both Ching Ern & Evan were younger than me, so it looked like I'm a big bully...

While I was up there playing with my little friend, Mommy tried to talk me into letting Evan had his turn with the Pooh (before that, I grabbed that from him). I listened to her, and then nodded. Then I went down the stairs and headed towards Evan to pass him the Pooh. But during that time, he was occupied with some other things and was not looking at me. So I just throwed the Pooh to him! Mommy was horrified and told me to be more gentle. Anyway, the rest of the Mommies all praised me for wanting to share the toys now. Hopefully this will improve their impression on me a little bit...

While I was up there playing with my little friend, Mommy tried to talk me into letting Evan had his turn with the Pooh (before that, I grabbed that from him). I listened to her, and then nodded. Then I went down the stairs and headed towards Evan to pass him the Pooh. But during that time, he was occupied with some other things and was not looking at me. So I just throwed the Pooh to him! Mommy was horrified and told me to be more gentle. Anyway, the rest of the Mommies all praised me for wanting to share the toys now. Hopefully this will improve their impression on me a little bit...
Later I found another toy that really intrigued me, but I don't know who it belonged to. Mommy was asking around for me, but the Mommies that she asked didn't know either. Anway, I had a great time playing with it.

Towards the end of the playgroup, Mommy needed to get her car so that I won't get wet since it was still pouring. She parked quite far from Charlotte's house. So, she asked Auntie Hooi Ling to keep me entertained while she was away. Guess what they use to get my attention? Baby Einstein's World Animals DVD! Mommy brought that to exhange with one of Charlotte's collections so that we could learn to share. 

Mommy came back later and managed to get this pictures of ours...
We were all busily watching the DVD... only left Bryan, me and Charlotte.
We certainly had a great time, and ever since then, when Mommy asked me if I wanted to go to the playgroup, I would take my little Learning Toolbench along. And I think I did improved a little over my sharing atttitude too!
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